My Family Tree 

written by, Candice Landis 01/06/2013


My family tree has grown much larger recently

For now it includes my church  family

All of who are very important to me

All of who Jesus brought to me when he heard my plea


My world is now a much brighter place

As every sunday I look at each smiling face 

Knowing we're all gathered here for the same reason

To  worship our Lord and shine his light as a great beacon


From Uncle Bobs Great Big Smile To Mary Anns quiet grace

To Mr B's much appreciated comments and Praise 

To Dan and Debs Enthusiastic Embraces

To Everyones morning handshakes and Smiling Faces


I've learned so much here about the Lord and his love for me

I've learned a lot about the kind of person i'd like  to be

No more hiding at home buried in insecurity and fear

When the chains that bound me were broken Jesus led me Here


So many things in my life have changed

I'm no longer buried in regret and shame

I've repented and forgiven the sorrows of my past

I've given my heart to Jesus at last


I thank you all from the from the depths of my soul 

Your acceptance and kindness means more than you'll ever know 

My emotions and my love for my lord I am not afraid to show 

I spread his word whenever I  can everywhere I go   


Others have noticed the changes in me 

Some are happy  and some just refuse to believe

I say a prayer for them all  becuase we are all God's Family  

I will be an example for them and have faith that they too will one day see




















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