My Dad

By, Candice Landis ©2012


 My dad always seemed to me a giant of a man

 One with a very heavy hand

 I spent my life trying to earn his love

 Any attention i could get i soaked up every scrap of


 He was a good friend to some and seemed to take a lot of abuse

 I used to ask him why he did that? What was the use?

 He would say someday I may need a helping hand 

 But when he did there was always an excuse, they had other plans


 I watched him go to work at the same place for 23 years

 Then come home one day and dissolve into tears

 His job was gone,he had no future left

 His very pride had up and left


 For a while he worked part time at odd jobs doing what he had to do

 It was never enough for my step mother and she let him know it too

 Slowly as the years passed I watched the light fade from his eyes

 He became diabetic and his back she continued to ride


 He didn't seem to care anymore what happened to him

 Then his flesh started rotting and he began losing limbs

 Two amputations later and  his wife was through

 Find a new place to live she told him, I want nothing more to do with you


So we called a case worker in

She found him a place to live

He spent time with his grandchildren

But never again did he have an ounce of ambition


His kidneys shut down and it was dialysis time

It made him so sick, he was always afraid he was going to die

I gave him books and recipes and tried to get him to care

He thanked me kindly  with this sad smile and blank stare


Then one day at a Dr visit a blood clot moved in his lung

He died right there, we thought he was done

They brought him back though from the edge of death

We all rushed as soon as he woke up and surrounded his bed


He told us he loved us and he was sorry for his mistakes

We told him we loved him and to just stick around for all our sakes

He said he would, that dying was no fun

He knew his health was bad and there was work to be done


He hugged each one of us then, the grand kids too and cried in our arms

He was so cold to the touch but i hid  my alarm 

He came home to his apartment then for one week

The grand kids all gathered at his feet 


He would tease them and tell them stories and try to play games

We all sorta knew though he would never again be the same

One week and one day after he came home

We lost the most wonderful man we had ever known


A horrible accident or an act of God we will never know

My father was dropped from a wheel chair lift and landed on his head

We had to pull life support that same night, Our father was dead

He wasn't the greatest man in the world by a long shot

But he was the only Father I ever had and I loved him dearly, How could I not?

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