The Finish Line (Boston Marathon 2013)

(written by, Candice Landis 4/15/2013)

Once Again Tragedy Struck In America Today

The Boston Marathon Was Bombed In A Tragic Display

The World Watched As The Injured Were Carried Away

Leaving Behind Blood Stained  Sidewalks Where They Had Lain


We Don't Understand Why These Things Are Allowed To Take Place 

We Close Our Eyes In Sorrow And To Jesus We Pray 

Please Help These People As Best You Can   

Please Guard Them Against The Evils Of Their Fellow Man 


Please Welcome With Open Arms The Ones You Took Home Today

Please Watch Over The Ones They Left Behind And Guard Their Faith

Please Help Us Find The Ones Responsible And Put Them Away 

There Is No Earthy Reason That Could Ever Merit What Happened Today


Dear Jesus What Is Happening To Us Here On Earth 

So Many Sencless Violent Deaths Of Innocent People Have Occurred

So Many Do Evil Work And Pay No Attention To Your Word

I Pray Every Day That Your Voice Is Heard 


Please Watch Over Us Savior And Keep Us Safe  

When Tragedy Strikes Please Fill Us With Your Grace 

God Bless Everyone Today Who Finished Life's Race 

One Day We Will Meet Them Again In Heaven, Face To Face 


















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