Useless  Armor

(written by Candice Landis 03/06/2013)


What weakness do you try to hide

Why is it so hard to accept advice

Why do you stand alone, clinging to your pride

Telling yourself, it's okay. somehow you'll survive


Who's approval do you seek

What reward do you chase that is so sweet

Why do you hide  being human, being weak

For what reasons do you do these things


You hide your shame and deny your guilt 

Hold it inside like a poisoned blade buried to the hilt

Thinking if no one see's it, then it doesn't exist 

While it eats you from the inside out like a cancerous cyst


There is salvation, there is another way  

Shed your useless armor, it's not too late

Look to our Father,He will open the gate 

Invite you in and clean your slate 


Realize that you are not the one in control

Your ignorance of Him is what makes your progress slow

Accept Him and there's no limit to the heights you can reach

Follow the foot prints in the sand left by His feet  


Our Father intentionally made us weak

So His  guidance we would seek 

When we turn to him and our troubles weep 

He wraps us in His love so tender and sweet  



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