Earth Angels

(written by Candice Landis 06/26/2013)


The bravest most courageous souls  here on earth

Are the ones who come here with afflictions at birth 

The down syndromes, the spina bifida's,the deaf and the blind

They come here to teach us and to touch our heart and mind  


They come in this world wearing their challenges for all to see

I believe these are the strongest of Gods soldiers, the supreme, the elite

They face many challenges along the way  but they never accept defeat

They pour out their love to everyone with smiles so tender and sweet 


We could all learn a lesson from them about how to truly show our love

To shine the precious light here on earth that our Lord gifted to us from above

So if one of these earth angels chose your family to make a home

Cherish them and feel  blessed  that you have an earth angle of your very own. 


There is a reason they chose your heart in which to make their nest

They know you will love them and support them as they complete life's test  

Touching the hearts of everyone  they meet with their special angel dust 

How special you must feel to know that with you God placed their care and His  trust 







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