His Saving Grace

       By Candice Landis ©2013


I've been through hell and back some might say

Yet here I am standing strong before you today

I was born into violence and verbal abuse

For years I faced the horrors of sexual misuse


 A little girl of just eight years old

Her eyes full of horrors as yet untold

She cries silent tears

Each day faces unspeakable fears


The years pass slowly by

One by one her tears slowly dry

She does what she must to get by

She no longer has any tears left to cry


Married at 17 with a child of her own on the way

She didn't have a choice,in an abusive home she could no longer stay

She vows her babies will know her love every hour of every day

At age 37 her marriage has gone sour

Into her babies she's put all of her power


Now her babies are all grown up and moved away

Leaving her to face an empty life every day

 Looking back she prays she did enough

She prays her girls will never  have to face any of this stuff

She prays to the Lord and asks for His Love


She prays for forgiveness and to know true love,

These are the things she's always dreamed of

 I was filled with such wonder and joy that day

When my heart came Home to God to stay

He is my life guide,

He has always held me close by His side as together we battled the angry tide


Heavenly Father I come to you renewed

Words flowing from my pen for you

With the power of Your love

All my pain and suffering  I rise above


The tears I cry cleanse my soul

As You take me back to times long ago

I remember Father and now I can clearly see

All of the times You carried me


Your seeds of Love Heavenly Father I promise to sew

No matter where I go

Who ever I meet I shall ask them if You they know

And together in Your light, our spirits will grow

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