My Gift

by, candice landis ©2011

 My love for my Lord knows no bounds

 My heart, my soul, his love surrounds

 He speaks to me through my Poetry

 He speaks with such potency


 My God loves me for exactly who I am

 He gives me the desire to be the best that i can

 I will rise when he calls my name because I know

 In his arms he will carry me Home


 I will rise when he calls my name

 No more sorrow no more pain

 My Lord is forever in my heart

 He shines his love and cuts through the dark


 He gives me greater strength than I have ever known

 Never again will I ever be alone

 He's hears my prayers and sees my needs

 He takes my hand and He gently guides me


 He sees the love in my heart I long to share

 He sent me this gift so rare

So that I can help him in his plight

To bring his children back into the light

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