Satans Ways

{written by, Candice Landis }



Satan is alive and on our misery he thrives

Whatever it is you have going wrong in your life 

Something that makes you feel as if your swimming  against the tide

Something that no matter how hard you try you just cant seem to get it right


From paying bills to the  car running good to getting to work on time 

If we allow him, he will mess with every aspect of our life 

He thrives on anything negative, sadness, heart break, disbelief and doubt

satans tries to effect everything in our lives, , no matter how big or how small, that gets us



He's lurking around every corner  just waiting for us to fall

When we are tempted by sinful greedy things we just know are wrong, thats Satans call

For example every sunday Pastor Dan helps our Lord get me fired  up

I go home happy and glowing, immersed in my faith,  thinking how beautiful is Jesus's love


Then I begin to hear  about how there may not be enough gas for the week 

How I can't afford to do this and that, and by the way how horrible is my driving 

My faithful glow begins to fade and before I know it I'm focused on not being happy

Satan is in the seat next to me  yappin his jaws about everything in life i'm lacking


So I turn to him with the sweetest of smiles

I say why don't you go rest for a while 

My Lord will take care of me and there's no need for you to worry 

I'm basking in my lords love and to stop doing that i'm in no hurry


Just that quick our rolls are reversed and he's the one unhappy

He becomes beligerant and his tone turns  sharp and snappy  

So I reach out and turn the radio  up  

And together Matthew Wests songs and I kick his butt


Pretty soon he stops  speaking

Realising my faith in my Lord  his negativity is defeating

Satan becomes very quiet then  and I know he's thinking

Planning his next move, for my faith he desperately wants to weaken


I'll be ready  tho the next time he tries 

And even if I falter a bit i realize

My Lord never leaves my side 

He always helps me win this fight














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