Our First Steps Of Faith

(written by Candice Landis 03/11/2013)


August 5th two thousand and twelve 

Reaching deep inside to where my dormant faith dwelled

I opened the door to this church, beckoned by the ringing of the bell

Taking the first steps out of a darkness that had become my own personal hell 


I was scared but desperate for something more

I walked in quickly, keeping my eyes to the floor

I cautiously  looked around and found a sincere smile on each face

There was no judgement here, only genuine acceptance and grace


So many thoughts and emmotions went through my mind that day

It seemed God had heard my prayer, and led me to the right place

I was bewildered, yet cautiously amazed

As I quietly prayed  giving the Lord  my thanks and praise 


The rest of that day was just perfectly right

Filled with sunshine and beautiful blue skies

I couldn't focus on anything but Jesus and his light 

He had taken over my heart and given me his sight 


I have not missed a sunday morning service since that day

I need this church and it's fellowship more than I can say 

 I am not the only one God has effected in this way

My husband Mike has also underwent a change


He answered my plea when I asked him to go church with me

I'm so thankful he did, I feel it's brought us both much needed peace 

Every Saturday He announces church tomorrow,  it's been a long week 

Sunday mornings With Our Father  in The AUB have become for us both a very vital need


When we  became members our pastor asked us if we felt like we we're being fed

The answer is a resounding yes! Every day I feel closer to Jesus we are being led

The Alvordton United Brethren Church is one of Christ's most beautiful brides

You can feel her warmth and grace enfold you  as soon as you step inside 



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