{Author,,Candice Landis } ©2011


                   July eighth year twenty eleven

                  For the final time Atlantis shot towards heaven

                  Emerging from a billowing cloud of  smoke and dust

                  Her rockets ignited her thrusters thrust


                  Thirty years of work and dedication

                  Sometimes devastation

                  Unending progress for our nation

                  One last glorious trip to the space station


                  She performed like a dream,

                  Made proud her team

                  She arrived safe and sound

                  Completed one last round


                   Now for the final trip home

                  Space she is no longer allowed to roam

                  Time for her to retire

                  Placed on display for her job now is to inspire


                  She shoots across the sky like  a falling star

                  People across the land watch from near and far

                  She hovers over the water like a giant bird

                  Zooming in so fast her image shimmers, is blurred


                  She seems to glow in the night

                  As she ends her final flight

                  She glides in on silent wings

                  As if shes attached to kite strings


                  It's enough to make you cry  

                  Knowing she'll never again shoot across the sky

                  As she comes to a final stop

                  You can hear her engines final throb

                  As she seems to give one last sigh

                  And softly whispers goodbye

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