Endless Love

(written by Candice Landis  03/11/2013)


It's been over eight months since I reached out to you 

I can't even begin to describe all of the amazing things  for me you do

The peace and value you've given to my life 

The way you smother the flames of old conflicts when they arise


Together we are weeding the garden that is my life

Discarding bad  habbits, sinful desires and replacing them with light

This is a task that you have promised to help me with for the rest of my life

My world Father is a much better place now that I see it through your eyes


I spent so many years guarded, presenting a false face to the world

Now I wear your cloak of love,  my banner of faith unfurled

I try to share with others the amazing grace that you bestow

How you could change their lives, if only you they would come to know


For no matter how far they've fallen if your grace they earnestly seek

There is no distance your love can not reach

I pray for each of your lost and bewildered  sheep  

For I know there is no enemy of darkness your light cannot defeat


I drop to my knee's father and I weep

At the beauty of the grace you have bestowed upon me

I close my eyes and tremble as you fill my spirit with love

There is no greater salvation than the love of my heavenly father above 






















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