A Fathers Love From Heaven

                             by, Candice Landis ©2012

                                         Im 'here with you Son as I've always been

                                          The answers you seek you hold within.

                                          I've watched you live and I've watched you succeed
                                          I've seen you laugh I've seen you bleed.
                                          I've been here Son  through it all
                                          I've seen you stumble I've seen you fall
                                          You get back up, thats the important part
                                          My Son you are always in my heart
                                          I taught you to be the man you are
                                          I've watched with great pride as your stride takes you  far
                                         Just know that Im here and I share in everything
                                         You do me proud, you make my heart sing
                                         If you need to talk remember Im here,
                                         Im in your heart, Im always near
                                        So tell me your thoughts and tell me your fears
                                        I'll share in your laughter, Ill share in your tears
                                       Just never forget Son  you're not alone
                                       Your Mother and I, we see how you've  flown
                                       We're very proud of the man into which you've grown
                                       We love you Son and we're ever so proud
                                       So whenever you miss us just look around
                                       All it takes is a thought for us to hear
                                       Don't ever forget we are always near
                                       Dont forget my son, we never left you,
                                       We've always been right  here
                                       So remember always Son, we hold you so Dear.




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